Intuitive Hair is a gallery space which exhibits the work of local artists.

We are always looking for opportunities to collaborate with local artists to showcase contemporary art and photography. We are also interested to work with our local community on special events.

If you are looking for a space to exhibit your work, please contact us.


Current Exhibitions

Available for purchase


Elsa Santos

Elsa is a Sydney based artist born in 1971 in Seville, Spain. Her favorite way of expression is drawing; she has developed a technique that allows her to create very precise lines on the surface layer of the painting using an etching needle. Often layer upon layer.

Elsa trained in Faculty of Fine Arts in Seville, specializing in painting and she comes from a family of successful artists in Spain. Both her father and grandfather are well known sculptors in Spain.

Her main source of inspiration is nature itself, mysterious and organic shapes that seem unplanned but yet so perfect and beautifully fit together. These observations have become visual themes in her image making.

Webite: www.elsasantos.net / Phone: 0418 881 360 / Email:elsasantosart@gmail.com


Katherine Kapetanellis

Katherine Kapetanellis is a Sydney born abstract artist and ceramicist from the inner west. She holds an Advanced Diploma of Visual Art with Distinction and a Diploma of Ceramics from TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute. She has exhibited in many group shows at Galleries such as Hazelhurst Regional Gallery, Kerrie Lowe, The Muse, The Downing Centre and Mosman Art Gallery. Her work has also featured in gallery gift shops such as the Sturt, Hazelhurst, The Flying Pig, WoodPaperSilk and the Limelight Gallery. She is inspired by multi-culturalism, nature, the esoteric and the resilience of the human spirit.

Her latest work, “transcendence” is a pilgrimage to an inner landscape through a visual plane from one transient realm to another exploring colour, movement, texture and mood.

Mobile: 0406 715 898 / Email: kkap@hotmail.com


Natalie McCallum

Natalie McCallum is an award winning multidisciplinary artist from the Inner West.

In her ‘ Inner Landscapes’ series of paintings, she has explored using acrylic pouring mediums, alcohol, and a blow torch to achieve a fluidity that results in imagery that is undefinable. They are reminiscent of Rorschach Inkblot Tests, in that they are vague enough for each individual to discover different meanings. The frames are windows into Inner Landscapes, otherworldly, yet familiar.

@nataliemccallumart / Mobile: 0422 093 614 / Email: natoolie4@hotmail.com

Recent Exhibitions


Fleur Stevenson

Fleur was born in New Zealand, lived in Melbourne where she studied Visual Art and was an artist in residence at The Foundry, North Fitzroy and resides in Rozelle working in her home studio.

Fleur's work is a continuation of her exploration constructing new environments and is inspired by her recent move to and discoveries of the inner west. Fleur photographs her discoveries, which include rooftops and creates stencils to form her compositions.

Email: fleurstevenson@hotmail.com.au / Phone: 0415 068 735


Jeremy Metivier

Jeremy is a 30 year old French born, Sydney-based artist that draws inspiration from Australian nature, energies and Shamanic beliefs.

He is fascinated with what is there but cannot be seen and ask viewers to look deeper, or even with blurry eyes, to see more movement. His art has been created this way to make it come alive.

FB: www.facebook.com/JeremyMetivierArt / Insta: @anumaelish / Email: metivier.jeremy@gmail.com


Cornelis Timmer

Born in the Netherlands I have lived and worked in Sydney since 1989. After 8 years of study at a number of colleges in Sydney and overseas I completed my Masters thesis and exhibition in 1998.

My earlier work has been associated with Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism and Abstraction. Needless to say my work has been difficult to classify. I have often worked in isolation from my peers and have interpreted different art styles in my own personal way. I have thoroughly explored and investigated styles I was attracted to in order to find my own personal style.

Website: www.cornelistimmer.com